Email Marketing

personalised emails.
personalised sms.

tailored to your customer interactions.

Email marketing is a powerful and cost effective way to market your business to your existing audience. Whether you’re enticing subscribers who have expressed interest in your brand with an amazing offer, or retaining previous customers attention with offers and information, email marketing is a serious tool in your marketing arsenal that every business should be equipped with.

Email marketing is the consistent winner when it comes to turning leads into customers, and one time buyers into repeat customers. 

99% of all consumers check their email at least once per day. No other method of communication can boast this statistic, so it’s no surprise that email also converts far better than other marketing methods, with an average ROI (return on investment) of a whopping 4400%!

maintain your audience

creating offers so good your customers can't say no

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches at scale.” 

– David Newman

Adding a personalised touch

Email marketing gives you a chance to do something that other methods cant – address your audience personally. People love to hear the sound of their own name, whether they’re are aware of it or not, seeing or hearing your own name is something that instantly grabs your attention. 

Combined with segmentation of your subscriber list, you can add another layer of personalisation to the email. For example lets say your list is divided into 3 categories of subscribers, one time buyers and repeat customers.

There would be little point in sending an offer of “save 10% on your first order!” to your entire list as customers that have already purchased from you are not eligible for your offer, it seems distant and cold like they’re just another email address and a quick way to alienate them. A better approach would be to send this only to the people who have never purchased from you, it feels more tailor made just for them and are much more likely to interact with your email.

reward your loyal customers

Everybody loves to feel appreciated, it is a craving and a need down to the fundamental level of human beings. There is no quicker way to become dismissed or even resented when there is a lack of appreciation. Sure it might not be as common with a B2C relationships as with a partner or a boss, but customer appreciation still goes a long way and it is so heavily under utilised with most of the companies today. Treat people like human beings, truly appreciate your customers, and they will reward back your efforts ten fold.

endless possibility with automation

Email automation allows you to capture many missed opportunities where you may be leaving cash on the table. For example if a customer adds items to the cart, but doesn’t proceed with the purchase, this action could be set to trigger an automation to send the customer an email with a coupon for a % off if they were to check out within the next 24 hours.

The possibilities are truly endless with automation and the data it provides on customer interaction alone is worth its weight in gold. For example segmentation of your customer list by demographic means you don’t accidently send emails to people at 3am, where it will likely end up buried and never to be seen.

A tried & Tested formula

what you can expect

campaigns for every customer level

Customers are always at a different journey with your business. Whether they've just discovered your product, or are on the edge of buying, our tailored campaigns can target each of these customers accurately to present them with the best email or SMS to move them along the sales funnel.

Conversion tracking & analytics

We can track the performance of subscriber interactions to see what works and what isn't working so well, as well as how much revenue has been generated from each campaign - allowing you to make more informed decisions about your business.

increased sales and customer retention

With an average ROI of 4400% email and SMS campaigns are not only a great driver of revenue for your business, it also helps you stay relevant to your customers.

campaign goal & automation Strategy

We will work with you to set a realistic campaign goal for your email and SMS marketing that you're happy with and also build an automation strategy for when a customer triggers a certain action, tailored to your businesses needs.

attentive well written copy

Many emails get simply ignored, deleted or thrown in the spam box. We know what triggers certain reactions from email providers and people, and or data on this continues to grow every day.

Our copy is crafted around not falling victim to the spam box, whilst being appealing and inspiring curiosity to your prospective customer.

beautifully designed emails

Nothing is worse than an ugly, poorly formatted email. No matter how good the offer is, if it's an eyesore, chances are the customer won't even read it.

We put time and attention into crafting aesthetically pleasing emails that are mobile friendly, even without images.

(some mobile devices disable email images by default)

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Methods Of Advertising I have Previously Used:
I'd Like To Begin Marketing In:
My Ideal Outcome Would Be: